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Ministry Update From Kwacha Simwaka

We just kicked off our second semester in the middle of July and have lost a few students for various reasons. One in particular is Cleopas from Zimbabwe, who is dealing with some illness that has prevented him from attending class. It was encouraging to see most of the first-year students return to campus. This is the largest number of first year students that has remaine...

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Elders Report

The OBC Elders meet for their regular monthly meeting at 6:30 a.m. on July 18, 2024. The meeting began with Dallas Focht leading the elders in a time of prayer. The Lord is so good. He is so eager to listen, especially to His beloved church, as He commands us to pray about all things. First and foremost, we are thankful for being truly saved. The reality of our justificati...

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Remember to Remember

The older I get, the more I seem to be forgetting things. I forget where I put my wallet, my keys, my phone, my glasses. My newest adventure is trying to remember why I walked into a room and what I was going to do. We all struggle to remember things in life, especially as we age. While these simple, tangible things I forget about seem to be quite significant in the moment...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on June 25, 2024. Pastor Mike Holloway provided us with a very stable financial report to review in his absence this month. The successes of VBS were reflected upon during the previous week. Great appreciation goes to Jenny Hare and her team for organizing and leading the week. Further, as our ministry guest of the month, fellow deacon...

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Consider Jesus: Thoughts for Daily Duty, Service, and Suffering

In May's edition of the POST, Pastor Chris introduced us to Octavius Winslow and his book None Like Christ. For this month's POST, I would like to recommend another book by Winslow, Consider Jesus: Thoughts for Daily Duty, Service, and Suffering. The book has 31 short chapters written to daily strengthen and encourage followers of Jesus Christ, as they "consider Jesus, ...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on May 28, 2024, and had the pleasure of including our invited guest, Pastor Chris Peterson. Pastor Mike Holloway provided us with a very stable financial report, and a report on the influx and outflow of people that remind us it is the Lord God who's building His church. VBS preparations loom and the annual budget meetings soon comme...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church gathered for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 25. After prayer, we opened our discussion for the evening by reviewing the financial reports for the month of May.Our budget for May was $67,300 and our giving was $70,400. We are grateful for the Lord's continued provision both spiritually and physically within His local body. We follow...

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Refreshing Repentance

The first of Martin Luther's 95 Theses states, "When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, 'Repent' [Matthew 4:17], he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance." The London Baptist Confession of 1689 defines repentance as a grace where, through the Holy Spirit, a person becomes aware of their sin, humbles themselves with godly sorrow, and seeks forgive...

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The Answer of Jesus to Job

The book we are focusingon for this month's POST is The Answer of Jesus to Job by G. Campbell Morgan. Morgan wrote during the early 1900s. His book is a rare and hidden gem surrounded by the writings of late 1800s and early 1900s liberal authors. Liberal writers during Campbell's era were pioneering naturalistic interpretations of Scripture with a Darwinian flare, focus...

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One Thing I Do

What would you say, if someone asked you to summarize your entire life and ministry? How would you express your one passion? What is the 'one thing' you do? There are many ministry callings in the service of the church,representedby each member. The saints are zealous for a multiplicity of passions and ambitions reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ. Many of thes...

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