Posts by Keith Walter

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, April 23 for our regular meeting to review ministry opportunities, current finances, have a devotion, and fellowship. Martin Bast facilitated the meeting and opened in prayer with Vimal George taking minutes. Martin reviewed the agenda for any changes, having none we moved into OBC news, updates and finances.We recapped t...

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Deacons Report

On Tuesday, January 23 the Deacons of OBC met at 7:00 p.m. for a devotional, ministry opportunities, learning about current finances, and fellowship. Martin Bast facilitated the meeting, with Vimal George taking minutes and Greg Gensler opening in prayer. Mike Holloway provided us with updates about what is going on at OBC. On the finances, as you can see in the weekly b...

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Deacons Report

The deacons met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 28 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional, and current finances. Keith Walter facilitated the meeting having Vimal George open the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accomplished for us. John Schmoll recorded action items and took minutes. We continued reviewing chapter...

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Deacons Report

On Tuesday, January 25, the deacons met via Zoom to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional. and finances. Keith Walter facilitated the meeting, having Willie Zwiener open the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accomplished for us as a body as we continue to make our way through the pandemic. Martin Bast continued in reviewing the fifth chapter of ...

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Deacons Report

On Tuesday April 27, the deacons met at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional, finances, and a visit from Todd Swift as our ministry guest. Pastor Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting, having John Schmoll open the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accomplished for us as a body as we continue to make our way through the pand...

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Deacons Report

On May 5,the deacons along with Pastor Mike Holloway held our first meeting since February. With all the craziness that started in mid-March it was decided to do this over Zoom instead of meeting in person. This was a first for us. John Schmoll opened us in prayer and reflected on the past two months and for all of us to be thankful and mindful that our Lord and Savior is...

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Deacons Report

OnTuesday, April 23the deacons met at 7:00 p.m. to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional,finances, and an overview of the ministries for which Pastor Mike Holloway has responsibility. Pastor Mike facilitated the meeting, having Ed Pille open in prayer and praise for all that Christhas accomplished for us. John Widhalm recorded action items and took minutes. Willie...

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Deacons Report

On Tuesday January 23, the Deacons met to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional,finances and an overview of the Greeting and Set Up Ministry, which is led by Vimal George. Pastor Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting while Martin Bast opened in prayer and praise for all that Christhas accomplished for us. Ed Pille recorded action items and took minutes. John Widha...

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Deacons Report

The monthly Deacons Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. at OBC.Wediscussed a variety of ministry opportunities, held a devotional, reviewed finances and received an overview of the Grounds Ministry that Tim Hare is heading up. Pastor Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting while John Widhalm opened the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accompli...

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