Archives for December 2023

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The Pinnacle of Christian Life: The Hope of the Beatific Vision

Seeing God is the biblical hope that spans the Scriptures. If you are at all like me, I am having a hard time leaving the topic of our recent conference at church. I do not want to forget about the "All Things New" at the Pactum Conference. It was labeled as an eschatological conference because it borrowed the theme and verse in Revelation 21:5 that states, 'And He who i...

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Elders Report

The OBC Elders met for their regular monthly meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting began with Pastor Pat leading the elders in a time of prayer. The Lord is good to hear our prayers about the service we render unto Him by His grace, by His Spirit, for His name's sake. The Lord gives the church so many different people who need His comfort and encouragement in the name of His onl...

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Deacons Report

The deacons met together at the home of John and Nicole Schmoll on October 24 from 7:00 9:00 p.m. After opening in prayer, Vimal George reviewed last month's meeting minutes. Pastor Pat was our guest and told the deacons that he was very encouraged by the Pactum conference and how it was a source of encouragement and blessing to many pastor's around the country. He was ...

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Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption

In Exodus Old and New, Michael Morales does an amazing job of detailing the biblical account of Israel's exodus out of Egypt in the Old Testament. In doing so, he also masterfully connects their historical redemptive event as a real-life picture that anticipated the New Testament's historical redemption found in Jesus Christ. Morales explains that the old exodus becomes...

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