Archives for February 2021

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A Challenging Year but Not Beyond God’s Grace and Strength

Vineet Sasane, pastor of Jeevant Asha Church (Living Hope Church) in Pune, India, provided a ministry update. Omaha Bible Church has had the privilege to support Pastor Sasane for many years now as his gospel ministry is impacting both the Marathi and English-speaking communities in Pune and beyond in India. Vineet and his wife Sayia and family have visited OBC, and Vinee...

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Elders Report

The elders met for their monthly meeting the morning of January 27, 2021. This is a little later than usual and afforded Pastor Pat the opportunity to attend the Ligonier Ministries' 2021 Winter Conference - Everyone's a Theologian. Of the several sessions given, Pat recommended the address, "Sin Is Cosmic Treason: Our Supreme Folly" with James Dolezal. Listening, you wil...

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Deacons Report

The deacons met on Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional, and a few of the ministries that Frank Barber oversees and is involved in. Martin Bast opened in prayer, praising Christ for his finished work and that He is continuing to add to his body. We reviewed church finances, ministry opportunities, and various projects that are...

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Strength for the Weary

Are you looking for comfort in troubled times? The troubled times of this fallen world follow us wherever we go and impact each of us in different ways. Whether you are troubled by personal relationships, inner emptiness, political controversies, or any of a myriad of possibilities, our Lord has provided strength for the weary in the closing chapters of the Book of Isai...

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