All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Our purpose statement for the high school ministry at OBC is:

To promote Christ and his gospel every
week, as it is the power of God unto salvation and to
glorify Him in all that we do. To take this good news
and make it our all, as we seek to love and serve him
in every aspect of our life.


We aim to promote and defend the fundamentals of the Christian faith seen in the historical creeds and confessions. We seek to teach the whole bible through a biblical and systematic approach, which will allow them to see the big picture of God's redemptive plan of salvation ultimately found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As a result we desire confidence/boldness in our students to be able to take this Christian faith into every sphere of life and defend it in the midst of all the personal and cultural issues of our day.

For more information regarding the High School Ministry, contact Andrew Meyer.