April 1, 2021
by Frank Barber
It's easy for us to get caught up in the things of this world and become distracted. It's easy to take our eyes off of Christ, fix our gaze on the "winds" of this world, become afraid, and begin to sink into a mire of distractions, which leads us to start thinking, sounding, and acting like the world around us.
That's why our engagement requires a Christ-centered, Holy Sp...
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April 1, 2021
by Frank Barber
The timeliness of VanDrunen's book, Politics After Christendom, is nearly unmistakable given the historical level of political contention seen, heard or otherwise recently experienced in our country. However, in striking contrast to our nation's emotionally-charged political environment, VanDrunen provides a decidedly unemotional, clinical, and compelling biblical argument...
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January 4, 2021
by Frank Barber
The elders held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, December 9 and worked through an agenda comprised of a variety of items. As always, the meeting opened in prayer, mindful of our continual need of our Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel, the washing of water with the word, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
After approving the minutes from November's meeting, Chris Peter...
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April 1, 2020
by Frank Barber
As I write this article, American cities are shutting down in an effort to stem the tide of COVID-19. Churches, like Omaha Bible Church, are livestreaming to a congregation worshipping from home.
And, if all that isn't strange enough, Al Roker is presenting the weather forecast from his kitchen. In this present-day craziness it could be easy to become uneasy.
But, that's...
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April 1, 2020
by Frank Barber
The particular book I've chosen to review is Michael Reeves' Theologians You Should Know, which is presently being discussed by Pastor Pat in his Theology for Breakfast on Tuesday mornings.
Dr. Reeves has labored alongside men like Matthew Barrett and Carl Trueman, men who have blessed Christ's body at OBC through their books and personal appearances as guest speakers.
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January 2, 2020
by Frank Barber
The elders met on Wednesday, December 18 to conduct our monthly meeting. Although it was a brief agenda, nevertheless there were important items to cover.
Pat started the meeting with prayer, giving thanks and praise to our great Savior Jesus Christ. Dallas then took us through Article 3, God's Decree, of the London Baptist Confession of 1689.
If you haven't had the oppo...
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September 4, 2019
by Frank Barber
On Wednesday, August 14, the elders held their monthly meeting to review and consider a short list of items centered on a review of our present financial condition, finalizing current budget year expenses, as well as discussing and approving the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.
As always, our meeting began with prayer, mindful of our absolute dependence upon our righteous an...
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April 1, 2019
by Frank Barber
In a commercial venture, a partnership and a sole proprietor represent two different arrangements for conducting business. A partnership, as the name implies, consists of an association of at least two persons. Conversely, a sole proprietor is equally simple, it's a single individual.
When it comes to a business venture, there are pros and cons for either approach. But, w...
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April 1, 2019
by Frank Barber
My motivation for choosing to read and review Carl Trueman's The Creedal Imperative, was more than a bit self-serving. Starting this March, I'll be teaching an adult Sunday School class about creeds and confessions.
So, it seemed helpful and wise, as well as a real win-win situation, to have Trueman's book serve the dual purpose of preparing me for teaching while also f...
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August 30, 2018
by Frank Barber
On Tuesday, August 14, the elders held their monthly meeting to review and consider a relatively short list of items, including an opportunity to recognize and thank the members of the security team for their successful completion of some very demanding training.
Pastor Pat opened our meeting with prayer, recognizing our absolute dependence upon a living God who, in His i...
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April 6, 2018
by Frank Barber
How many times in your life have you answered the question, "Who's your favorite music group?" Or, "What is your favorite restaurant?" We all have favorites.
On occasion, typically after an outrageously good meal, I'll ask my wife Carol, "If you had to eat only one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Carol and I will then spend the next several minutes...
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April 6, 2018
by Frank Barber
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Calvin? I would imagine, since you're reading OBC's POST, you're probably not thinking about Michael J. Fox's character in the hit movie Back to the Future, or are you?
If you're thinking John Calvin, the 16th Century French theologian whom our Lord used mightily during the Reformation and continues to use...
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February 5, 2018
by Frank Barber
On Wednesday, January 17, the elders held their monthly meeting to review financials, receive an update on India missions from Vineet and to consider a list of administrative items. Pat opened the meeting with prayer, mindful of our dependence upon the Spirit of Christ in our endeavors for Him.
A review of the December and Year-To-Date financials revealed we are nearly br...
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April 3, 2017
by Frank Barber
The other day I was struck by the image of people seeking asylum in Canada. People were trekking across snowfields in our northern states, attempting to cross into Canada, under cover of darkness, to seek refuge and ultimately obtain citizenship.
My father was born in Canada and as his son, I am granted, in the full light of day, the right under Canadian law to be a recog...
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April 3, 2017
by Frank Barber
With regard to books, I would say Robert Hall's (a.k.a. Lance Wubbels') compilation of Charles Spurgeon's sermons addressing the importance of prayer (The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life) could be categorized as a masterful oldie but goodie. Given that the copyright is 1993, perhaps I should rephrase and state that Hall's compilation is an "older but gooder" book.
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March 1, 2017
by Frank Barber
On Tuesday, February 21st, the elders held their monthly meeting to review and consider a brief but essential list of items. Pat began our meeting by leading us in prayer and thanksgiving, glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoicing in the Son!
After praying, we had the opportunity to have Todd Swift lead us through a review of Chapter 1: The Holy Sc...
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