All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Archives for February 2018

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What Do Americans and “American Christians” Believe?

Omaha Bible Church believes the primary mission of the church is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, as revealed in God's Word, to the world. As such we are an evangelical and a biblical church. Being an evangelical church means we preach the good news, which is the gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. Being a biblical chu...

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Elders Report

On Wednesday, January 17, the elders held their monthly meeting to review financials, receive an update on India missions from Vineet and to consider a list of administrative items. Pat opened the meeting with prayer, mindful of our dependence upon the Spirit of Christ in our endeavors for Him. A review of the December and Year-To-Date financials revealed we are nearly br...

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A Small Book About a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Peace, and Patience

Do you get angry? It seems all of us do at one time or another. Anger is the "Big Problem" that this little book sets out to explore. Anger does damage. At its worst, it leads to murder, destroys marriages and ends friendships. But these are just the external signs of what anger in our hearts does to us spiritually. This book seeks to go deeper than just addressing the ...

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