Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for February 2020

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Elders Report

With the pastors and elders attending the Westminster Seminary California Annual Conference in mid-January, our monthly meeting was postponed until Wednesday, January 29, at 6:30 a.m. Pastor Pat began the meeting with prayer asking the Lord to help the leadership focus on those things which mattered, and that our labor would be carried out with gratitude and with care. W...

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Forgiving Others is Not Optional

Have you forgiven someone lately? Have you said the words "I forgive you" out loud to someone who has offended or sinned against you in some way? Maybe you have forgiven them in your heart without saying the words audibly. That's usually the way I do it, and I think how most of us do it. It is so very easy to get out of the habit of forgiveness, particularly in the closes...

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A Christians Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament

I have a great love of the Old Testament. And this little book titled, Loving the Old Testament by Alec Motyer, has just increased in a straightforward and simple way my appreciation for how the stories, characters, and truths taught in the Old Testament point us to Jesus Christ. I regularly teach the Old Testament on Sunday mornings in Adult Sunday School and preach on...

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