Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


We strive to expose young men and women to the good news of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, and to encourage believers to walk in accordance with His will, by His grace, and all to His glory. We focus on learning and applying the Word of God during Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible studies. Additionally, we seek to provide opportunities for youth to fellowship and build friendships with mature Christian leaders and other students through monthly activities.

Sunday School

During this time we gather for a study of God's Word. We teach through books of the Bible verse by verse. We explain the meaning in context and drive home application. Recent studies have included Assurance of Salvation in 1 John and God's Sovereignty over History in Daniel, and the Greatness of
Christ in Colossians.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

During this time we gather for a study of God's Word and small group discussions where we talk about the meaning of God's Word and its application to our thinking and our lives. The small group time gives the leaders a unique opportunity to get to know the students better and drive home the biblical truths we learn to specific life situations. We also spend time together in prayer. 

