Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for May 2020

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Bible Reading Made Easy?

The Bible is a massive book and we are kidding ourselves if we say it is easy to understand. After all, there are 66 books, 1,189 chapters, multiple languages, differing cultures, dozens of authors with diverse vocabularies, and the timespan covered is thousands of years. If this is not enough to make the Bible challenging, there are hundreds and hundreds of commands and ...

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Elders Report

The elders met for their monthly meeting on the morning of Wednesday,April 22. While the regularity of our monthly meetings was normal, the medium that we used to meet was far from characteristic. As with many meetings these days and at this time in our life, we are gathering virtually through Zoom. Virtual meetings require some getting used to, as I'm sure many have alre...

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Christianity and Liberalism

One of my very favorite books is Christianity and Liberalism. I have read it numerous times and am once again with the Theology for Breakfast crew. What makes it a great book is the simplicity and clarity of the author in defending the most important matter of allauthentic Christianity. J. Gresham Machen responds to the fanciful notion that there is a Christianity that ...

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