Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for July 2023

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The Sacrificial Foundation for Christian Marriage Roles

If a Christian was on a mission to study the Bible to retrieve the God-given roles for a Christian marriage, he or she might be surprised to find that roles are generally identified. Largely missing are the prescriptive details the "how to's." The ideas of leading, loving, serving as a head, and instructing children are attributed to the role of husbands. Submitting, hon...

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Elders Report

The elders at Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on June 21. Let me pause for a moment. What does that mean? OBC is an elder-led church, with a plurality of elders, one of whom is the Senior Pastor. Why does this matter? It matters because scripture shows that elders (plural) were appointed to the churches, as the apostles established the first churches. OBC...

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Elders Report

The elders at Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on June 21. Let me pause for a moment. What does that mean? OBC is an elder-led church, with a plurality of elders, one of whom is the Senior Pastor. Why does this matter? It matters because scripture shows that elders (plural) were appointed to the churches, as the apostles established the first churches. OBC...

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Elders Report

The elders at Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on June 21. Let me pause for a moment. What does that mean? OBC is an elder-led church, with a plurality of elders, one of whom is the Senior Pastor. Why does this matter? It matters because scripture shows that elders (plural) were appointed to the churches, as the apostles established the first churches. OBC...

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Counsel From the Cross

I am thrilled to highly recommend this book by Fitzpatrick and Johnson. Comprehensive and yet, simple, it is a book conducive for every member of the church. This is a book that provides a biblical analysis of the condition of the heart and fleshes out the promise of the gospel in the incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, particularly as God's an...

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