Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for June 2017

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God for Us and Us for One Another

When you think, "God with us," do you also think, "God is for us?" A reflection on the one should lead to a reflection on the other. Consider the announcement in Matt. 1:23 to Joseph that the child being carried by Mary was the fulfillment of Scripture spoken by the prophet "'The virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, Go...

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Show Them Jesus. Teaching the Gospel to Kids

Do not skip over this review just because the sub-title is "Teaching the Gospel to Kids." Show Them Jesus is a wonderful exposition on both the why and the how of connecting the good news of Jesus Christ to all of Scripture, both Old and New Testaments alike. Typical religion will say "live a good life and things will go well for you." Atypical, Christ-heralding rel...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, May 9th for their monthly meeting. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer, and we then turned our attention to chapter four of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on Creation. Dallas Focht led us in discussing and considering the content of the chapter, highlighting the involvement of the Triune Godhead in creation and ho...

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