All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Worship is our response to God for who He is and what He has done through His Son Jesus Christ. This response is not restricted to Sunday mornings, but is to encompass everything we do in all of life (1 Cor. 10:31, Rom. 12:1). Individually we worship God with our lives every moment of every day. Corporately we are to worship God as the gathered body of Christ, continuing together what we have done on our own throughout the week.

Our Sunday morning services are a service of worship. We worship through Scripture Reading, Prayer, Giving, Preaching, Communion, Baptism, and Music. Each element of the service is worship done to glorify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ.

Musical Worship
Musical worship is a vital part of the worship at Omaha Bible Church. We enjoy a variety of musical styles in our service and sing a blend of hymns and modern praise songs. The lyrics of our songs are focused on the greatness of God and the truth of the gospel. As we depend upon the Spirit to enable our praise, we offer songs of thanksgiving to the Father through the Son, our great Savior.

For more information on serving in musical worship contact Pastor Mike Grimes.