Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for July 2017

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Gospel Encouragement in Suffering

A number of years ago, my family and I would make an annual trip between California and Nebraska to see our families for Christmas. I remember one trek that took us through a dark fog in Utah. We would descend from the mountain peaks into the dark haze and then ascend back to the mountaintops and into the radiant sun. It was strange to drive above the low clouds in the su...

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Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus

In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commissioned believers to the high calling of making disciples based on his universal authority over heaven and earth. Since the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ, left his church with the commission of discipleship, it would do us well to understand the character of this calling. In 100 pages, Mark Dever anchors discipleship on the foundation...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, June 13 for their monthly meeting. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer and then Mike Grimes led us through the reading and discussion of Chapter 5 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the topic of Divine Providence. The first paragraph of the Confession makes clear that "God, the good creator of all things, in Hi...

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