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Elders Report

The elders met for their monthly meeting on the evening of Tuesday, May 21. Pastor Pat opened the meeting with prayer and we thanked God for how he has shown us to love one another. In suffering or grief, it is encouraging to know that the members of the church are lifting each other up in prayer. Todd Swift read Article 23 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 titled,...

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One Thing I Do

What would you say, if someone asked you to summarize your entire life and ministry? How would you express your one passion? What is the 'one thing' you do? There are many ministry callings in the service of the church,representedby each member. The saints are zealous for a multiplicity of passions and ambitions reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ. Many of thes...

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None Like Christ

For this month's book review, we are stepping back into the early 1800s to dust off a little book written by Octavius Winslow. Winslow was born in England and ministered as a contemporary of Charles Spurgeon and J.C. Ryle. He is noted for his high view of God, yet desire to flesh out the power of Christ's supremacy in the believer's daily life. None Like Christis only 9...

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The Christian Ethic of Joy and Suffering

Consider with me for a moment Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 6:4:"As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything" (6:10). How is it possible to be characterized by both sorrow and joy; having nothing, yet possessing everything? At first glance, they do seem to be contradictory or at the least, strange bed-fel...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. for their monthly meeting. It is a joy to be able to gather with like-minded men each month as we partner together for the promotion and defense of the gospel at OBC. As under shepherds of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, we prayerfully gather each month to discuss the ministry at OBC; and we also hea...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on the evening of March 26 for our regular meeting. We began the meeting with John Schmoll leading us in prayer, praising God for the salvific work of Jesus Christ in redeeming sinners, and expressing our trust in Him to continue building and equipping His children to serve and love His Church. Martin Bast facilitated our meeting and ...

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The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men

Richard D. Phillips is a wonderful story of God's grace. Prior to entering the ministry, he commanded tank units as an officer in the U.S. Army and later served as an assistant professor of leadership at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He came to faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 30, and was soon leading evangelistic Bible studies at the college where he was ...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m. Michael Herrington opened us in prayer, giving thanks for the blessings we have in Christ and the honor we have to serve the body at OBC. Dave Guthrie reviewed giving updates for the previous month, as Pastor Mike Holloway wasn't able to join us. Income was up for the month of January and expenses ...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, March 20 at Omaha Bible Church and Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened the meeting with prayer for thoughtful wisdom for us as we seek to provide godly leadership to our local church. Dan Perina led us through the considerationof chapter 21 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject of Christian Liberty and Liberty o...

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If You Want to Be Great in God’s Kingdom

It is always interesting to overhear children when they are deep in conversation with each other. Many times, they love to brag about their fathers, especially with regards to occupation and rank in society. Somehow the world is teaching them that true greatness is achieved by how high up one can go in this corporate or financial world. Perhaps we too have been affected b...

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