Archives for April 2019

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The Christian Walk: Partnership or Sole Proprietor?

In a commercial venture, a partnership and a sole proprietor represent two different arrangements for conducting business. A partnership, as the name implies, consists of an association of at least two persons. Conversely, a sole proprietor is equally simple, it's a single individual. When it comes to a business venture, there are pros and cons for either approach. But, w...

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Elders Report

The elders met on Tuesday, March 12 and after spending some time in prayer, participated in a discussion led by Mike Grimes of Chapter 26 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on "The Church." This section states that Christ is the head of the church and works through the gathered saints in churches that (paragraph 14), "in exercise of their gifts and graces, so the ch...

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Deacons Report

The deacons met Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 7:000 - 9:00 p.m. In Mike Holloway's absence, our beloved Pastor Pat Abendroth served as both facilitator and guest ministry leader. Ben Meier opened our time together with prayer, thanking God for His sovereignty and asking that our service to the body at Omaha Bible Church would be honoring to Him and effective in building...

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The Creedal Imperative

My motivation for choosing to read and review Carl Trueman's The Creedal Imperative, was more than a bit self-serving. Starting this March, I'll be teaching an adult Sunday School class about creeds and confessions. So, it seemed helpful and wise, as well as a real win-win situation, to have Trueman's book serve the dual purpose of preparing me for teaching while also f...

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