All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Archives for August 2023

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The Encouragement of the Singing Church

Have you ever considered the unique nature of congregational singing in the church? It is quite an interesting activity of the church. Hundreds of people from all different walks of life, experiencing different circumstances in their lives, gather in a large room and sing together. Music is such a unique gift that the Lord has given to us. It combines our minds as we thin...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, July 25 at 7:00 p.m. Martin Bast opened us in prayer, giving thanks for the blessings we have in Christ and the honor we have to serve. Keith Walter reviewed the giving updates for the previous month. While giving was down, expenses were as well, leading us to have a positive net income. We praised God for the faithful giv...

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