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The Transforming Power of the Gospel

I recently went to lunch with a young man who asked me, "How do I live the Christian life?"That is a great question. It's a question I've been spending a lot of time on recently as I just finished teaching a class on that very topic. The topic of the class was sanctification. Sanctification is a theological word for the time in a believer's life between coming to faith in...

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Deacons Report January 2025

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. Martin Bast opened us in prayer, asking for wisdom and discernment along with praising God for the blessing we have in Christ. Mike Holloway then led us through news, updates, and giving for the first few months of the new fiscal year. We were praising God for the many people trusting in Christ for s...

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Elders Report January 2025

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on the morning of Wednesday, December 4 for their monthly meeting. The meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor Pat. We then turned our attention to the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The elders review a chapter of the confession at each of our monthly meetings. The chapter that we covered this month was on baptism. It was an...

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Do We Grow in Christ by Law or Gospel?

As people living in this world created by God we are called to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, and we are also called to obey the law of God, that is to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.(Mark 12:30-31) Both the law and the gospel are good, yet the key to understanding how we grow in Christ is to see the law and the gospel in proper relationship to one ...

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The Deconstruction of Christianity

I am sure plenty of us grew up in the church. As wonderful as this is, I am also sure that a lot of us would look back at our church experience and either scratch our heads with what was taught or straight up disagree with - fill in the blank - today. That is pretty common in the evangelical world. But, unfortunately, there seems to be a surge in "evangelicals" leaving th...

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Deacons Report December 2024

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. Michael Herrington opened us in prayer, praying for some of the needs of the body and giving thanks for the blessings we have in Christ. Pastor Mike Grimes then led us through news, updates, and giving for the first month of the new ministry year. We praised God for the faithful giving of the body an...

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Elders Report December 2024

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, November 13 at Omaha Bible Church. Our time was opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth who asked for God's wisdom in caring for and loving the people of our church; particularly for those who are suffering. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing pastoral care issues to begin our meeting and then moved on to ...

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Faith and Faith

How many of us have heard, "Ya gotta have faith!" or, "You just need to believe." Or maybe even better, "Don't stop believin'!" We've heard it countless times! Faith and belief are good, but only in so far as it is connected to the object of that faith or belief. The notion of "faith in faith" or "hope in hope" is a semantically meaningless phrase. Just like how "love is l...

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Reformed Covenant Theology

I will admit I am a bit of a theology geek. I will blame all those buddies of mine in the local church throughout the years as well as my seminar professors who had a great passion to know and explain the Scripture. They would say things like, "the meaning of the Scripture is the Scripture." All that being said, the book, Reformed Covenant Theology, by Harrison Perkins, i...

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Deacons Report November 2024

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met at the home of Keith Walter on Tuesday, September 24 at 7:00 pm. John Schmoll opened with prayer. Vimal George read the minutes of the last meeting on August 27. Our ministry guest leader was fellow deacon Willie Zwiener. Willie leads the Children's Sunday School Ministry and he gave a current overview of the ministry. He answered a nu...

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