Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday evening, August 15. Pastor Pat opened the night with a word of prayer, thanking the Lord for the work He has done and continues to do in the lives and ministries of OBC. We also prayed for church members who are faced with sickness and trials.

We then went on to read article 14 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689, dealing with saving faith. What encouragement comes knowing that we can have confidence in Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. As the confession states, we are “resting upon [Jesus] alone for justification, sanctification, and eternal life.”

Dave Guthrie shared the July financial updates. While income was under plan at $53,811 for the month our expenses came in under plan as well at $52,806.

We are grateful that the Lord continues to faithfully provide through the generous giving of the members of OBC. The average attendance for the month of July was 300.

The elders have been preparing the budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year which begins on September 1, 2023 and ends on August 31, 2024. The elders approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Andrew Meyer’s ordination installation was set for that Sunday, August 20.

The meeting was closed in prayer.