All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Archives for August 2018

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Our Physical Death and the Comfort of Christ

Death is something our culture hides from. We hide our dead bodies. Our society moves the body of the deceased from our homes within minutes after death and places them in "funeral homes." We hide the places where bodies are buried. Cemeteries that used to be right next to the church, where people were reminded weekly of the reality of death, are now located far away from ...

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Elders Report

On Tuesday, August 14, the elders held their monthly meeting to review and consider a relatively short list of items, including an opportunity to recognize and thank the members of the security team for their successful completion of some very demanding training. Pastor Pat opened our meeting with prayer, recognizing our absolute dependence upon a living God who, in His i...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on July 24 for our monthly meeting. Keith Walter led us in thoughtful prayer to the throne above us. John Schmoll then took us on a review and discussion of chapter 13 of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 covering our sanctification, which like our salvation, is of the Lord. Our guest ministry leader this month was Pasto...

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Good and Angry; Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness

How do you please the Lord and live your Christian life in the midst of anger, irritation, complaining, and bitterness? It might be your own anger and irritation, or it might be someone else's. But we all have dealt with and are dealing with anger in our lives in one way or another; none of us is immune. I certainly have expressed unrighteous anger or had angry thoughts...

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Comfort in Suffering

Trials and suffering can be found everywhere as we go through life. Broken relationships with a family member or friend; a recent diagnosis about your health from the doctor; tension in your marriage and home. The list could go on and on. Due to our fallen nature and the sin-cursed world we live in, there is no escape. We will endure suffering. But as we do, what is it th...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday evening July 10. Our meeting was opened in prayer and with thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing at OBC. Frank Barber read and reviewed with us Chapter 18 in the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on Assurance of Salvation. It reminds us in paragraph 2 in regards to our Assurance, "this certainty is not a bare conjectural a...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on June 26 for our monthly meeting. We started the meeting with John Schmoll opening us in prayer, offering thanks for the life and service of one of the deacons, Emmett Champion, who has entered his eternal rest with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We also sought the Lord for wisdom to serve the Body of Christ in humility to the p...

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Who Am I? Identity In Christ

We all have different backgrounds and upbringings that have in some way shaped who we are today. There have certainly been both positive and negative experiences in our lives that influence the choices we make. As these experiences shape us through life, often times, we cling to them and form our identity around them. As a Christian, however, our identity should not be...

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