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Archives for November 2017

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The Incarnation of Jesus

Christmas can be filled with distractions. For a full month (longer if you start early like me) your world can quickly be filled with lights, trees, presents, etc. Before you know it, you can completely forget what it is that we celebrate as Christians this time of year. We forget to be in awe of the glorious truth of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The incarnation is th...

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Elders Report

The elders met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 14. Frank Barber began our evening by focusing on Article 10, the Effectual Call, from the London Baptist Confession of Faith. We were reminded of God's sovereign work in salvation. God, for His good pleasure, by His Word and Spirit, effectually calls the sinner who is by nature in a state of sin and death to g...

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Come, Let Us Adore Him

Family devotions are difficult. Aside from the challenge of finding time to have family devotions is the difficulty of deciding what to read and discuss. The Christmas season provides a wonderful opportunity for families in this area. Advent devotional books are readily available, and this month I'd like to recommend a new resource for your family. Paul Tripp has made i...

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The Reformation: The Recovery of the Gospel of God in the Word of God

As the church celebrates the 500th anniversary of the reformation, I thought we might take a moment to remember a few of the gifts of Christ that the church recovered through the ministry of the reformers: the gift of the gospel in the gift of God's Word granted to His redeemed community. Before we examine the priority of Scripture to the Reformation, it is important to un...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the evening of October 6th at 7:00pm at Omaha Bible Church. Pastor Pat Abendroth began the meeting with prayer for the church, for the proclamation of the gospel and for the decisions we will make as elders. He then proceeded to read chapter nine of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject of Free Will. After some discussion, Pastor Pat summa...

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Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met at 7:00pm on September 26th. The meeting was opened with prayer thanking God for His faithful provision, offering thanksgiving and seeking wisdom from above to serve well to the praise and honor of His name. We started the meeting by discussing the end of the previous ministry year. The financial report 'boasted' the best ever end-of-...

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Taking God at His Word

As we are remembering the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, it would do us well to ponder the blessing of the recovery of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture. Kevin DeYoung provides a marvelous resource to the church in underlining the priority of God's Word for God's people. The subtitle says it all: "Taking God at His Word: Why the Bible is Knowable, Necessar...

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