All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Archives for July 2019

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Why Did I Come to South Africa?

(Omaha Bible Church provides significant financial and spiritual support as a partner with Kwacha Simwaka and the ministry the Lord has for him in southern Africa) Why did I come to South Africa? If you watch the news coming out of this country, it's a question that might come to mind when you consider that my family and I are now here. The answer to that question is si...

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Elders Report

The OBC Elders met for their regular monthly meeting at 6:30 a.m. on June 12, 2019. The meeting began with Pastor Pat leading the elders in a time of prayer. The Lord commands us as Christians to pray about all things, especially when it comes to local church ministry and the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. He is our Savior and He is Lord over all things and for this we ...

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What is the Mission of the Church?

During our preparation for the mission field, we had an opportunity to visit several churches including Omaha Bible Church. Our goal was to build a network of ministry partners that can work alongside us as we serve in Africa. This proved to be an invaluable time for us because of the lessons attained as we developed relationships with these churches. One observation th...

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