Tuesday evening Women of the Word for January 21st is cancelled. 


Archives for September 2017

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Why Should Christians Today Care About The Reformation?

Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago by nailing his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church in Germany on October 31, 1517. In doing so he was hoping to begin a public discussion, but he had no idea it would unleash a debate that reverberates in both church and society today. A question worth asking is whether these things still matter toda...

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Elders Report

The OBC Elders met for their regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. on August 15, 2017. The meeting began with Pastor Pat leading the elders in a time of prayer. The Lord commands us to pray about all things, especially when it comes to local church ministry and the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and we delighted to obey His command. He is our Savior, and He is our authori...

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Deacons Report

The monthly Deacons Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. at OBC.Wediscussed a variety of ministry opportunities, held a devotional, reviewed finances and received an overview of the Grounds Ministry that Tim Hare is heading up. Pastor Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting while John Widhalm opened the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accompli...

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Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds

Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade is an excellent book to use for family devotions and for your own adult daily devotions. It is understandable for a wide range of ages (probably ages 5 or 6 and above) and the daily Scripture passages and devotional readings are short enough to fit into a busy family's schedule without being burdensome. Don't think though...

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