Deacons Report

On Tuesday April 27, the deacons met at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom to discuss ministry opportunities, a devotional, finances, and a visit from Todd Swift as our ministry guest.

Pastor Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting, having John Schmoll open the meeting in prayer and praise for all that Christ has accomplished for us as a body as we continue to make our way through the pandemic.

Willie Zwiener continued in reviewing the last section of The London Baptist Confession of 1689 on "The Last Judgement."

The topics reviewed during the meeting included the survey of the preferred service type and the upcoming outdoor service. We'll be doing some baptisms and new member inductions during the service.

With the upcoming expiration of the Omaha mask mandate, we'll be moving to two services and adding all the chairs back into the auditorium.

Pastor Mike Holloway closed our meeting in prayer. The next Deacons meeting will be on May 26.