Why Did I Come to South Africa?

(Omaha Bible Church provides significant financial and spiritual support as a partner with Kwacha Simwaka and the ministry the Lord has for him in southern Africa)

Why did I come to South Africa?

If you watch the news coming out of this country, it’s a question that might come to mind when you consider that my family and I are now here.

The answer to that question is simple. We are here because God wants us to be.

With the crime rate escalating, South Africa has witnessed a considerable exodus, mostly among white people. Several churches, whether evangelical or not, have been immensely affected by those fleeing the country for fear of crime.

We live in homes surrounded by high electric fences and equipped with security alarm systems. And that is standard safe living. When you see a house without security features, you wonder how they survive.

Security and crime are the concerns that raise the question above. Why would one bring his family to such precarious conditions?

Again, because it is where God wants us.

Two and half months ago we arrived in Polokwane to serve alongside Dave and Carol Beakley. During this period, it has been evident that in this nation, just like any other country, the kingdom of darkness controls countless souls.

Three weeks after landing here, several hundred thousand pilgrims visited our town from a group known as Zion. They congregated on Mount Moriah.

This is a predominant influential religious cult in this country and our town provides the central worshipping site. Their teaching combines traditional belief and charismatic practices, which are full of deception.

John writes in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”

This message that God is light is much needed where God has placed us. We try to use every opportunity to share this message with those we meet here. The message of light will enlighten and turn people away from worthless religious pursuits like Zion.

A bigger part of my role here involves training pastors how to study and teach the Bible with accuracy. We help these pastors learn how they can assist and equip their flock to share the gospel in their community.

We are here as a conduit of the gospel of Christ who declares, “I am the light of the world,” (John 8:12).

It is the understanding of the gospel that enlightens hearts that are covered in the thick darkness of sin. We have the gospel that frees those trapped in worthless traditional practices and deceptive religious rituals.

No matter how dark the surroundings, we can rejoice in sharing the gospel that brings the true light of the world.