Deacons Report
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on July 24 for our monthly meeting. Keith Walter led us in thoughtful prayer to the throne above us.
John Schmoll then took us on a review and discussion of chapter 13 of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 covering our sanctification, which like our salvation, is of the Lord.
Our guest ministry leader this month was Pastor Mike Holloway who handles not just a few administrative functions and ministries besides the careful Bible teaching we enjoy. He gave us an overview of his work, and we were/are blessed by his giftedness and faithfulness.
He also gave us a financial update for OBC. The finances showed a blip of concern since the fiscal year is about to end, and income was falling short of the budget (which has relevance to the continuance of our bank loan). This was addressed with the church during a service in August.
Mike also provided some highlights of to look forward to: the plan for the Fall Picnic on the OBC grounds on Sunday, September 9; a new catechism for CTA; new adult classes for ABS; and a new coordinator of our library, Dori Kuspa.
A Conex box was purchased to house a larger and safer area for our grounds maintenance equipment. Our immediate attention was directed to a landscape project outside the nursery to allow for appropriate water drainage.
In conjunction with this, the nursery drywall on the south wall will be repaired. Service opportunities to needy members in our body were discussed, and individual deacons volunteered accordingly to complete these tasks.
Our next meeting was scheduled for August 28, 2018. Pastor Holloway closed the time in prayer, and we adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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