Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Deacons Report

The deacons met Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 7:000 - 9:00 p.m. In Mike Holloway’s absence, our beloved Pastor Pat Abendroth served as both facilitator and guest ministry leader.

Ben Meier opened our time together with prayer, thanking God for His sovereignty and asking that our service to the body at Omaha Bible Church would be honoring to Him and effective in building up the body.

Pat first encouraged us with the news that the membership class was full - so much so that it had to be relocated to a larger classroom. Several of those attending were introduced to OBC through the Theology for Breakfast class that meets on Tuesdays. Pat also informed us that Mike Grimes will be on sabbatical from April to June. Mike will be using the time to focus his study on worship from the Psalms.

Vimal George then led us in a discussion of Chapter 17 of The London Baptist Confession of 1689 on “The Perseverance of the Saints.” We can rejoice in the fact that God is the one who saves, so everyone He saves perseveres...“no one can snatch them out of His hand” John 10.

As guest ministry leader, Pat told us about his recent trip to California to attend the Westminster Faculty Conference, an upcoming trip to the Shepherd’s Conference and his progress in writing a book about Federal Headship. 

In addition to discussing some of the current service opportunities to those with some special needs, we also set the date for the next All Church Work Day on April 13.

Our next meeting will be March 26.