Elders Report
The elders met on Tuesday, March 12 and after spending some time in prayer, participated in a discussion led by Mike Grimes of Chapter 26 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on “The Church.”
This section states that Christ is the head of the church and works through the gathered saints in churches that (paragraph 14), “in exercise of their gifts and graces, so the churches, when planted by the providence of God, so as they may enjoy opportunity and advantage for it, ought to hold communion among themselves, for their peace, increase of love and mutual edification.”
This is a good picture of the blessings we gain from belonging and serving in the local church. We must guard against the influence of our culture that promotes a consumer mindset of “what’s in it for me” when it comes to the church. As part of the called and gathered saints, I’m impressed and convicted to make sure I’m striving for the good of the church and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Frank Barber is our church treasurer and he presented the February financial report. We had one service cancelled for weather in February and attendance/giving reflected it. Year to date giving (Aug - Feb) is behind budget by $71,017. February giving was under budget by $13,969 and added to our budget deficit.
You can see the weekly and year to date giving numbers in the bulletin every week. Continue to be in prayer for the work at OBC and the finances that support the ministry of the gospel.
A new quarter launched for Adult Sunday School classes. Mike Holloway continues his teaching from the book of Isaiah. The library is where he teaches to a full class. Frank Barber is teaching a class on Creeds and Confessions.
If you would like to know more about the history and scriptural basis for the creeds and confessions, come join us! I’ll be first to admit that I wasn’t raised in a confessional church. I’m looking forward to learning more!
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