Deacons Report
The deacons met together at the home of John and Nicole Schmoll on October 24 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. After opening in prayer, Vimal George reviewed last month's meeting minutes.
Pastor Pat was our guest and told the deacons that he was very encouraged by the Pactum conference and how it was a source of encouragement and blessing to many pastor's around the country.
He was especially blessed to see numerous church members serving well at the conference by being friendly and hosting several out-of-town visitors. Pastor Pat was also encouraged that 17 people have signed up for the upcoming New Membership class on Saturday, October 28. Finally, he encouraged the deacons to remember their primary role of promoting and defending the gospel.
Willie Zweiner then led the deacons in a discussion of the London Baptist Confession of 1689, Chapter 13 on Sanctification. All present were encouraged that, "They who are united to Christ…are also farther sanctified, really and personally, through the same virtue, by the Word and Spirit dwelling in them,...". This quote from the confession declares to us that the Trinitarian work of God is necessary in our sanctification as believers.
The Fall Workday on October 21 was a great success, with 30 in attendance and several new attendees. Much appreciation was given to all who came. While all deacons are responsible for the church building and grounds, Keith Walter takes the lead for all outdoor needs, and Martin Bast oversees all indoor building maintenance.
Two ministry areas were mentioned specifically as needing helpers, weekly church cleaning, and Sound and Video technicians on Sunday mornings. Please let a deacon know if you are interested.
Many Church Body Life needs were discussed amongst ourselves with plans to help meet those needs as we are able. Action steps were taken to guide benevolence help in the future.
All deacons were encouraged to share any needs they become aware of through Home Groups or other means. The weekly prayer list is a great source for how we might pray for the needs of the church body.
The next deacon meeting will be on November 28 at 7:00 p.m. Keith Walter closed the meeting in prayer.
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