Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, May 9th for their monthly meeting. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer, and we then turned our attention to chapter four of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on Creation. Dallas Focht led us in discussing and considering the content of the chapter, highlighting the involvement of the Triune Godhead in creation and how God made us as image bearers for His glory. What a great and awesome Creator God we serve!
Frank Barber presented the attendance and financial reports for the month of April. We had an average attendance of 366 which is steady from the previous month. Our income for the month of April totaled $65,832 compared to a budgeted income of $61,610. Expenses totaled $56,647 compared to a budget of $52,115. Overall, we saw a net increase for the month which gives us great reason to rejoice.
It is amazing to see the Lord provide for His church each month and we are grateful for His provision. We are thankful for the generous giving that we see month after month at OBC.
Following the attendance and financial report, we briefly discussed membership. The elders approved James and Rachel Hoppe for membership. They were included in our New Member Induction in our morning worship service on Sunday, May 21. During the induction, we welcomed Laurie Beatty, Jerome and Chrystal Creasy and James and Rachel Hoppe into membership.
For those who would like to formally join Omaha Bible Church, there will be a new Getting Started class beginning in September. This class is for those who are new or have been at OBC for a long time but are considering membership. We encourage you to attend the class and become a member as we seek to be “striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27).
Finally, we discussed some matters dealing with safety and security. About five years ago we installed some security cameras in and around the building. Some of the outdoor cameras are in need of updating and repair due to moisture buildup.
The elders approved the repair of these cameras along with the installation of a new camera in the auditorium and a new camera outside that will cover a wider angle of our parking lot.
We concluded the meeting with prayer and are scheduled to meet again on June 13th.
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