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Posts by Mike H

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The Transforming Power of the Gospel

I recently went to lunch with a young man who asked me, "How do I live the Christian life?"That is a great question. It's a question I've been spending a lot of time on recently as I just finished teaching a class on that very topic. The topic of the class was sanctification. Sanctification is a theological word for the time in a believer's life between coming to faith in...

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Do We Grow in Christ by Law or Gospel?

As people living in this world created by God we are called to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, and we are also called to obey the law of God, that is to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.(Mark 12:30-31) Both the law and the gospel are good, yet the key to understanding how we grow in Christ is to see the law and the gospel in proper relationship to one ...

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Elders Report December 2024

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, November 13 at Omaha Bible Church. Our time was opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth who asked for God's wisdom in caring for and loving the people of our church; particularly for those who are suffering. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing pastoral care issues to begin our meeting and then moved on to ...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, March 20 at Omaha Bible Church and Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened the meeting with prayer for thoughtful wisdom for us as we seek to provide godly leadership to our local church. Dan Perina led us through the considerationof chapter 21 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject of Christian Liberty and Liberty o...

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A Small Book for the Anxious Heart

This is a really good little book that I come back to over and over again to turn my heart to the Lord when anxiety, worry, and fear creep into my thinking and emotions. It is a small book - it will almost fit in your hand, but inside you will find 50 daily devotions that use Scripture and wisdom to not only give you the do's and don'ts of the biblical passages on worry, b...

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Do Not Be Anxious

"Do not be anxious" sounds like a pretty bold and demanding statement doesn't it? It sounds like perhaps it was uttered by someone who doesn't really understand the difficulties of the life we lead in this broken world. Seems like a simple answer to the problems of the complex human heart. Maybe these words were spoken by someone who just doesn't understand the culture we ...

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Elders Report

The elders meeting for July began at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, with Vice Chairman Todd Swift leading the meeting and opening our time in prayer. Todd thanked the Lord for his grace and many blessings upon our church and asked for wisdom for the elders as they worked through important issues during the evening. Mike Holloway read article 13 of the London Baptist...

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A Small Book for the Anxious Heart

Feeling stressed these days? Being the modern biblically-informed people that we are, we sometimes substitute the word stress for biblical words, such as fear and worry. But if we are honest, fear and worry, and yes, anxiety, impacts all of us sooner or later and to one degree or another, because there is good reason to worry in this broken world where sin invades the p...

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Comfort for God’s People in Good and Bad Times

Israel's King David knew good times and bad. David really knew what it was like to live as royalty in the palace enjoying all the trapping of wealth and riches and the temptations that go along with it. In fact, as the Scripture records, he succumbed to some of those temptations. David also knew what it is like to be running for his life, hiding in caves, living with hung...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the evening of Tuesday, November 16 and our meeting opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth. He prayed for our church to be faithful in proclaiming the gospel, for wisdom as we make decisions regarding the ministries and finances of the church, and that our time together as elders would be profitable. Pastor Pat led us in a reading and review o...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the morning of April 14, 2021. Pastor Pat Abendroth opened our meeting in prayer with thankfulness to the Lord for sustaining andgrowing Omaha Bible Church (OBC) in gospel centered ministry for almost 30 years now, and asking the Lord to use us in the future for his glory. Dallas Focht led us through Article 19 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on...

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Strength for the Weary

Are you looking for comfort in troubled times? The troubled times of this fallen world follow us wherever we go and impact each of us in different ways. Whether you are troubled by personal relationships, inner emptiness, political controversies, or any of a myriad of possibilities, our Lord has provided strength for the weary in the closing chapters of the Book of Isai...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church (OBC) met on the morning of September 16, 2020 via Zoom. We began our meeting with prayer andthanksgiving for all the Lord has done and is doing in his church, and for wisdom in serving and leading hispeople as elders of his church. After prayer, Mike Grimes led us through Article 12 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject ...

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Elders Report

With the rapidly changing coronavirus situation, the elders met on both the mornings of March 11 and March 18. Both meetings were openedby Pastor Pat Abendroth with prayer for all of us to have a great appreciation for the salvation that is ours in Jesus Christ, for wisdom for our elders in particular, and also for those in civil authority over us, and also prayer for thos...

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A Christians Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament

I have a great love of the Old Testament. And this little book titled, Loving the Old Testament by Alec Motyer, has just increased in a straightforward and simple way my appreciation for how the stories, characters, and truths taught in the Old Testament point us to Jesus Christ. I regularly teach the Old Testament on Sunday mornings in Adult Sunday School and preach on...

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Forgiving Others is Not Optional

Have you forgiven someone lately? Have you said the words "I forgive you" out loud to someone who has offended or sinned against you in some way? Maybe you have forgiven them in your heart without saying the words audibly. That's usually the way I do it, and I think how most of us do it. It is so very easy to get out of the habit of forgiveness, particularly in the closes...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on October 8 at 7:00 p.m. and Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened our meeting in prayer, giving thanks to God for his grace to us as a local church and asking for his wisdom as we strive to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Todd Swift lead us in reading the first Article of the London Baptist Confession of Faith, The Holy Scriptures. ...

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Triumphing Over Sinful Fear

What makes you anxious or dissatisfied? What are you afraid of? Do you fear what other people think of you, of what will happen to your children, of cancer or dementia, or perhaps the possibility of a failed personal relationship? Often when we are anxious it is because we fear something a person or a situation we cannot control. A great source of help from the past w...

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Aspiring to Live a Peaceful and Quiet Life

In 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, the Apostle Paul tells Christians that while excelling in brotherly love they are "to aspireto live quietly, andto mind your own affairs, andto work with your hands, as we instructed you,so that you maywalk properly beforeoutsiders and be dependent on no one." This is a theme in Paul's letters. After telling Timothy to pray for all people, incl...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church (OBC) met on the morning of Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened the meeting with prayer for faithfulness to the Lord and His Word, and that the Lord would give us wisdom to lead His church with a heart of service. Dave Guthrie led us through the reading and discussion of Article 27 of the London Baptist Confession...

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Growing in Holiness

Here's a short little book, only 70 pages, that is filled with truths from the Bible regarding how we grow in holiness. As new creatures in Jesus Christ we are called to grow in holiness (Lev. 19:2, Matt. 5:48), but yet we still sin. As J.V. Fesko says, "no true Christian wants to keep on sinning, yet the battle seems unwinnable." We continue to sin in this life in thou...

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Only In Christ Can We Grow

Like plants in your garden in the springtime, believers in Christ are supposed to be growing into the image of Christ. We're also supposed to be bearing fruit. How's that going for you? Have you seen any leaves, flowers, or fruit lately? Any signs of a healthy and growing spiritual life? Or, have a few leaves turned brown and fallen off, indicating troubled times spiritua...

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Elders Report

The elders met at 6:30 a.m. on December 19, 2018 and Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened our time in prayer; praising the Lord for the way he has blessed us with the gospel and his Son, Jesus Christ whose coming we celebrate this month. Pastor Pat also thanked the Lord for providing for our church and the people of our body in so many wonderful ways through the work of the...

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Our Physical Death and the Comfort of Christ

Death is something our culture hides from. We hide our dead bodies. Our society moves the body of the deceased from our homes within minutes after death and places them in "funeral homes." We hide the places where bodies are buried. Cemeteries that used to be right next to the church, where people were reminded weekly of the reality of death, are now located far away from ...

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Good and Angry; Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness

How do you please the Lord and live your Christian life in the midst of anger, irritation, complaining, and bitterness? It might be your own anger and irritation, or it might be someone else's. But we all have dealt with and are dealing with anger in our lives in one way or another; none of us is immune. I certainly have expressed unrighteous anger or had angry thoughts...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, May 8. Our time began with Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth leading us in prayer for our church, with thankfulness for the many godly relationships we have in the body of Christ, and most of all for the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, for his love for us, and for the anticipation we all have for his personal and bodily ...

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A Small Book About a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Peace, and Patience

Do you get angry? It seems all of us do at one time or another. Anger is the "Big Problem" that this little book sets out to explore. Anger does damage. At its worst, it leads to murder, destroys marriages and ends friendships. But these are just the external signs of what anger in our hearts does to us spiritually. This book seeks to go deeper than just addressing the ...

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What Do Americans and “American Christians” Believe?

Omaha Bible Church believes the primary mission of the church is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, as revealed in God's Word, to the world. As such we are an evangelical and a biblical church. Being an evangelical church means we preach the good news, which is the gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. Being a biblical chu...

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Elders Report

The elders met on the evening of October 6th at 7:00pm at Omaha Bible Church. Pastor Pat Abendroth began the meeting with prayer for the church, for the proclamation of the gospel and for the decisions we will make as elders. He then proceeded to read chapter nine of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject of Free Will. After some discussion, Pastor Pat summa...

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Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds

Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade is an excellent book to use for family devotions and for your own adult daily devotions. It is understandable for a wide range of ages (probably ages 5 or 6 and above) and the daily Scripture passages and devotional readings are short enough to fit into a busy family's schedule without being burdensome. Don't think though...

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Why Should Christians Today Care About The Reformation?

Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago by nailing his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church in Germany on October 31, 1517. In doing so he was hoping to begin a public discussion, but he had no idea it would unleash a debate that reverberates in both church and society today. A question worth asking is whether these things still matter toda...

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Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, June 13 for their monthly meeting. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer and then Mike Grimes led us through the reading and discussion of Chapter 5 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the topic of Divine Providence. The first paragraph of the Confession makes clear that "God, the good creator of all things, in Hi...

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Rejoice in the Great Father and Family You Belong To

The little book Children of the Living Godwas first published in 1989 and seems to be slowly and steadily growing in popularity ever since, having been reprinted three more times in the past 12 years. It's no wonder because in it Pastor Sinclair Ferguson teaches us who we really are from the pages of the New Testament. He tells us who we are by pointing out what great priv...

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Elders Report

On November 8th the Omaha Bible Church Elders met at 7:00 p.m. and opened our time together with prayer for the ministry of our church, for the advancement of the gospel in Omaha and in India, and we prayed specifically for Pastors Chris Peterson and Mike Grimes who were in India ministering the Word to Living Hope Church in Pune, as well as encouraging its Pastor Vineet S...

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