Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church (OBC) met on the morning of Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth opened the meeting with prayer for faithfulness to the Lord and His Word, and that the Lord would give us wisdom to lead His church with a heart of service.
Dave Guthrie led us through the reading and discussion of Article 27 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the topic of the Communion of the Saints.
Treasurer Frank Barber gave a very positive and encouraging report regarding our attendance and finances. Our March attendance was the highest it has been in three years as we averaged 391 people each Sunday. We are encouraged by the number of new visitors we are seeing and the number of new people who have begun attending OBC recently.
March was also a very strong month for giving with an income of $93,777. Total expenses for the month were $51,547, which resulted in a net income after depreciation of $37,542 for March. We praise God for the generosity of the Lord's people in supporting the ministry of OBC.
We took note of several individuals who are planning to be baptized as a public testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ at our May 5 worship service. We also discussed with joy the number of membership applications we are receiving from those who recently attended the Getting Started class.
We are planning for all new members of OBC to be introduced to the congregation at our May 19 worship service.
Our next Elders meeting is set for Wednesday, May 15.
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