Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Elders Report

The elders met on the evening of Tuesday, November 16 and our meeting opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth. He prayed for our church to be faithful in proclaiming the gospel, for wisdom as we make decisions regarding the ministries and finances of the church, and that our time together as elders would be profitable. 

Pastor Pat led us in a reading and review of Article 25 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the subject of Marriage. We noted that Christian marriage is stated by the Confession to involve one man and one woman and Christians are to marry in the faith. 

Our finances for the month of October were not as good as we had hoped. Giving for the month was $57,103, and our plan for the month was $70,631. This was somewhat offset by our expenses being below budget as we spent $65,352 and our plan was $76,456.

When depreciation is factored in, our net income for the month was a negative $13,072. This brings our net income for the year to a negative $19,169. We are thankful for the way the Lord has blessed us financially over the years and ask that you please continue to pray for our finances during this fiscal year (Sept. to August).

In terms of formal membership at the church, we currently have seven people who have applied for membership and they are working their way through the process. We hope to be able to add all seven as members of the church soon.

Two other items were discussed. One was the potential of adding a new elder to the elder board of the church and the other involved a leadership change in a significant ministry of the church. Please be in prayer for both items. 

Our next meeting is scheduled for December 21.

- Mike Holloway