Deacons Report

The Deacons met on Tuesday, July 27 at 7:00 p.m., to discuss ministry opportunities, The London Baptist Confession of 1689 chapter 1, and were encouraged in talking with Dallas Focht.

Keith Walter opened the meeting with prayer, praising God and reminding us to rest in his sovereignty and steadfastness.

We reviewed church finances, ministry opportunities and various projects that are headed by different deacons. God has been and is gracious in providing for our budgetary needs and increased attendance. 

Fall activities are going to be gearing up, starting off with the Fall Family Picnic and 30th anniversary celebration on September 12.    

Dallas Focht talked about passing the reigns for our Wednesday evening children’s ministry to Matt Holloway and the enjoyment that came from watching kids make connections while teaching them about Christ and the Gospel.

He currently leads a Home Group, does counseling, and is looking forward to teaching a Sunday School class soon.

His desire is to be a Godly elder and a good under shepherd at OBC. We are thankful for Dallas and the other elders at OBC for their leadership and sacrifice.

Mike Holloway closed our time with prayer.