Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. for their monthly meeting. It is a joy to be able to gather with like-minded men each month as we partner together for the promotion and defense of the gospel at OBC.
As under shepherds of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, we prayerfully gather each month to discuss the ministry at OBC; and we also hear updates on what the Lord is doing in the hearts and lives of the body. What a refreshing encouragement it is to consider and be mindful of the fact that it is indeed the Lord Jesus Christ who builds his church, and so we look to him for wisdom and grace in leading the church.
After Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer, Pastor Chris Peterson led us in a brief discussion and consideration of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 - Chapter 22 of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day, was a good reminder that we worship our great triune God.
The confession states that “worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to Him alone; not to angels, saints, or any other creatures; and since the fall, not without a mediator, nor in the mediation of any other but Christ alone.”
Dave Guthrie then led the elders in a review of the finances for the month of March. Income for the month of March was $76,649 compared to expected income of $66,751. Expenses were below what was expected for the month at $54,236, with expected expenses being $63,546.
Year-to-date, the finances continue to trend in a very positive direction with income surpassing expectation, and expenses being below plan. The Lord has been so faithful to continue to provide for the financial needs of OBC. It is a blessing and encouragement to see how he has used the many members of OBC to support the ministry not only financially, but by serving in ministry, and praying for the fruit of the ministry.
The meeting concluded by talking about various upcoming ministries at the church. We will be having an outdoor service on Sunday, May 26 at 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting, we will gather out in the church parking lot for our morning service. There will be regular Sunday school that week, but no Nursery or Preschool Ministry during the worship service.
Make sure to mark your calendar and plan to join us at the Pactum Conference, God’s Good Law, on October 11 - 12. We will have guest speakers J.V. Fesko, Mike Abendroth, and David VanDrunen joining Pastor Pat to encourage us that weekend. Information and registration is available on the church website. Cost for OBC members is $10 when you use the code OBCCONFERENCE24.
Finally, we would encourage you to be a part of our adult Sunday school class on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Currently, the class is working through the book, Living In God’s Two Kingdoms, by David VanDrunen. Upcoming classes will include a short class on the fruit of the Spirit followed by a study through the book, Hope and Holiness, by John Fonville.
May you continue to be encouraged in the hope of the Christ, our sure and steadfast anchor!
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