Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met via Zoom on Tuesday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m. Willie Zwiener led us in a heartful prayer, giving thanks for the opportunity we have to serve at OBC. Updates by Pastor Mike Holloway included a financial report which revealed abundant giving extending the bottom line well over the planned budget.

Other welcome news included the significant number of people that are signing up for the new members' classes, as well as the restarting of the nursery and pre-school for the 10:30 service beginning the first Sunday in March. Andrew Meyer will also be taking on increasing duties as the latest pastoral intern.    

Our ministry guest was Pastor Pat Abendroth who expressed the joy he's experiencing by preaching the Word to four services - witnessing the growing attendance and the opportunity it affords to interact with more people each Sunday. 

He highlighted the time and energy it's taken to manage the COVID crisis and its effect on the body, as well as the new Pactum podcast he's begun to broadcast the truth in different kind of format. We are blessed to have him so busy and desire to labor so. He also mentioned a potential conference coming to the church in October.

Keith Walter led us on a review and discussion of chapter 30 of London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 covering the Lord's Supper. The framers of the confession were careful to identify the errors of those rendering the Lord's ordinance beyond the scope and confines of the scripture: "In this ordinance Christ is not offered up to his Father, nor is any real sacrifice made at all for remission of sin of the living or the dead. It is only a memorial of the one offering Christ made of himself on the cross once for all. It is also a spiritual offering of the highest possible praise to God for that sacrifice."  

Concerns for needy members in our body were mentioned and progress on interior painting and straightening up the resource storeroom was noted. Additional responsibilities regarding the parking lot lights and a potential patio area on the east side of the building were discussed.

We shared some personal life matters and set our next meeting for March 23, 2021 with the plan to invite Elder Dave Guthrie to be our guest. Mike closed our time in prayer and we adjourned at 9:00 p.m.