Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. Vimal George opened us in a heartful prayer, giving thanks to God for how richly he has blessed us.   

Pastor Mike Holloway revealed not only increasing attendance, but also a stable financial picture with a current balance well over the planned annual budget. Other welcome news included the recent induction of 21 new members, but we soberly recalled how others in our body are suffering tragedy, illness, and needful surgeries. 

John Widhalm read chapter 24 in the London Baptist Confession of 1689 covering The Civil Magistrate - a timely topic in light of our nation’s focus on election politics this year. 

Believers are reminded that God has “ordained civil magistrates to be under Him, over the people, for his own glory and the public good” and thus in “all lawful things commanded by them” we are to yield and pray for “all that are in authority, that under them we may live a quiet and peaceable life.”

Because of decades of violent religious divisions in England, this very confession of faith we value was put forward by the Particular Baptists in July 1689 after the Parliament passed the Act of Toleration (and with royal assent given in May 1689) inaugurated religious freedom among the troubled factions. Praise God for good government!  

Our guest ministry leader this month was Casey Stevens, who oversees the Security Ministry, and he aptly conveyed the scope and extent of his team’s work to safeguard our church from various criminal actors including worst-case scenarios. We are blessed to have this watchful ministry in place.

Recent deacon activities include the computerization of the check-in procedure at the nursery, live video feeds of Sunday’s messages through the OBC website and YouTube, development plans for an outside patio area, and an initiative to declutter the overflow of ‘stuff’ in the Ministry Resource Room.

The Spring All-Church Workday is scheduled for April 18.