Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Deacons Report

The deacons met Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00pm. Ed Pille opened our time with prayer.

Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting, reviewing attendance numbers and financial information for the month of February. We are encouraged by the generosity of the body and how God continues to provide for OBC.

We then covered the tenth chapter of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on effectual calling. We are thankful for the clarity God has given the men who wrote this Confession in response to heresies at that time, and that are prevalent even today.

It is a relief to know that God does not look at the works we do and save us. It is encouraging to know that if you are predestined or chosen by God, there is nothing that can keep you from being saved from your sin no matter what kind of sinner you may or may not think you are.  

Our guest ministry leader was John Schmoll, who runs the POST ministry, is part of the security ministry and leads a Home Group.

The next Deacon’s meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24.