Deacons Report

The Deacons of OBC met on Tuesday, November 22 at 7:00pm. Martin Bast opened in prayer, thanking God for the goodness that He has shown us.

Pastor Mike Holloway discussed church finances including attendance, expenses and cash flow. We then discussed the roof repair project that was recently approved. The intent was to finish the roof before winter hit but due to this being the contractor’s busy season, it won’t be completed until spring.

Those in our body who are sick or hurting were brought to our attention and we were reminded of the need to continue to hold them up in prayer. We then turned our attention to chapter 31 of the London Baptist Confession.

Pastor Chris Peterson was our guest ministry leader this month. He spoke of his and Mike Grimes’ trip to India. He shared that Vineet is doing well and the ministry there is strong. There is a great need for the gospel and the teaching of the Word. We had a great conversation about the castes in India.

Chris shared of people going home and crying over the Glory of Christ, who gives them hope, where literally, there is very little hope. We also discussed the conference that Pastors Chris and Mike attended and spoke of how the gospel is being shared in a very difficult political climate in India.

Chris also discussed the High School ministry, including his goal to help our high school students view all of life through a gospel lens. He does this through music and movie clips, along with open discussion on topics that they face everyday.

Lastly, we discussed the fall Church Work Day. While we had a bit lower turnout, we were able to get a lot done. We are planning to schedule a date for the Spring Cleanup at our next meeting. A great time of fellowship, study, prayer and encouragement was had by all.