All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on August 25 via Zoom. Keith Walter led us in prayer, praising God for His goodness and kindness towards us, his children. We continue to seek the Lord for wisdom and desire to meet the various physical needs of the body and trust that he will be most glorified in it.

Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting and reviewed the attendance and financial report. We were yet again strengthened by God’s abundant provision and care for his church. We rejoiced in the strong giving month over month and the many new visitors that are in attendance both online and in-person.

Vimal George led us in discussion on the topic of Church from Chapter 26 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. We were called to remember that it is God, who builds his church, calls those whom he wills out of the world to believe, be forgiven, and follow him in all the truth. “The members of these churches are saints by calling, visibly manifesting and evidencing (in and by their profession and walking) their obedience unto that call of Christ; and do willingly consent to walk together, according to the appointment of Christ; giving up themselves to the Lord, and one to another, by the will of God, in professed subjection to the ordinances of the Gospel.”

Mike shared with us the plans for the Fall Ministries at OBC, of which much has been suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions. But we are grateful and excited for those ministries that will start back, namely: Home Groups, Women of the Word, Theology for Breakfast, and a new Family Devotional ministry led by Chris Peterson on Wednesday evenings.

Though the CTA ministry has been suspended for this fall, it will be led by Matt Holloway, who is taking over for Dallas Focht. We thank Dallas for his many years of faithful leadership & service in the Children’s Ministry.

Mike Grimes was our ministry guest this month and he provided details for the upcoming September 13 outdoor church service, including baptisms. We look forward to the preparations and setup for this event, which would be our first gathering of the entire congregation since March.

We also reviewed our ongoing service opportunities within the Body and other areas of need. Our next meeting will be held on October 27. Mike Holloway closed our meeting in prayer asking God for the Deacons ministry at OBC to be fruitful to the praise and glory of our Lord!