All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on September 28 for our monthly meeting. Martin Bast opened the proceedings in prayer, praising God for the redeeming work of His Son, assurance of salvation, and the fellowship of saints.

We are grateful for the Holy Spirit and His wisdom availed to us, to do His bidding in His church.

Keith Walter was the facilitator for our meeting and Mike Holloway shared news and updates, followed by review of attendance and financial report.

We finished our financial year ending in August with strong giving and attendance. God has blessed us tremendously as a church in the midst of great uncertainty and hence gives us much confidence in Him as He builds His church.

Among the varied topics we discussed were the Fall Conference and the Church Workday on October 16.

We trust that the conference was a blessing to the body. We marvel at the spiritual gifts endowed upon the speakers by our benevolent God for the equipping of the church at large. 

John Schmoll led us in a devotional on God’s Decree from Chapter 3 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. We were reminded of our triune God’s eternal decree to bring forth all things to pass unto the praise of His glory.

Wrapped up in this wise, free, and holy counsel is our election and predestination to eternal life, through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Jesus Christ. Halleluiah, what an awesome God we are called to serve and worship!

Our ministry guests this month were Jeff and Sheryl Roach, who lead the Senior Adult Ministry for the adult seniors and disabled people at OBC. They shared how the ministry took form out of a genuine care and concern for the “seasoned” members among us at OBC.

Sheryl through her professional background, has the tools and expertise for the ministry. If you are a senior member or if you are interested to get involved with the Senior Adult Ministry, you are encouraged to reach out to them.

We are excited for how God will use this ministry in the life of the church in the days ahead.

We also reviewed our ongoing Service opportunities within the Body and other areas of need. Our next meeting will be held on October 26, 2021.

Mike Holloway closed our meeting in prayer, once again expressing our gratitude for the opportunity to serve the one living God, to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Savior, and to motivate us to serve Him joyfully.