Deacons Report
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met at 7:00 p.m. on August 20. The meeting was opened with prayer and we went around the room discussing both praises and prayer requests.
Pastor Mike Holloway led the meeting update of the agenda relative to finances and a review of the to-do items from the previous meeting. We were giving thanks for the Lord’s amazing provision in the final month of our fiscal year.
The Lord’s blessing upon OBC has been amazing, providing the means to operate and preach the Gospel as we do. In reviewing past Deacons reports, I’m thankful to have written several from August as it’s always the same story in what seems like a very improbable financial shortfall to overcome, yet God’s faithfulness continuously overwhelms.
We discussed the upcoming church conference, picnic and all church work-day, which will be held on October 19 this year, so please save the date.
We went through Chapter 20 of the London Baptist Confession about The Gospel and we were excited that the simple truth of God’s grace through his Son’s payment of our sin is always deep with discussion.
We did not have a guest ministry leader able to make it to the meeting, which allowed us time to catch up on future projects for consideration. The way in which we get to serve Christ through serving the body is another great reminder of his providence in providing means of grace.
We closed in prayer specifically giving thanks again for the Lord’s provisions through the body. His provision throughout so many years is cause for praise and worship.