Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met at 7:00pm on August 22nd. The meeting was opened with prayer thanking God for his sovereignty and the gift of the common goal that we have in serving Him.

Pastor Mike Holloway led the meeting, updating us on finances and a review of the to-do items from the previous meeting. We give thanks for the Lord’s amazing provision in the final month of our fiscal year. The Lord’s blessing upon OBC has been amazing, providing the best financial position we’ve been in throughout the history of the local Church. 

We discussed the upcoming church conference, picnic and all church work-day. We also discussed maintenance such as sidewalks, ceiling tiles and door hinges all being replaced. 

We went through the 5th Chapter of the London Baptist Confession on Divine Providence and were greatly encouraged by the Lord’s grace in providing for his elect. What a great visible example in God’s providence through the finances this month.

We did not have a guest ministry leader that was able to make it to the meeting which allowed us time to catch up on future projects for consideration. The way in which we get to serve Christ through serving the body is another great reminder of his providence in providing means of grace.  

We closed in prayer specifically giving thanks again for the Lord’s provisions through the body. His provision throughout so many years is cause for praise and worship.