Deacons Report

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met at 7:00 pm on September 25. The meeting was opened with prayer thanking God for the many ministries that he allows us to serve in and asking for a desire to serve based on his grace. 

Pastor Mike Holloway led a discussion of finances and a review of the to-do items from the previous meeting. We gave thanks for the Lord’s amazing provision of necessary funds in the final month of our fiscal year. 

Willie Zwiener led us through a discussion of chapter 14 of the London Baptist Confession on the topic of Saving Faith.

We are thankful for the Lord’s provision of men with the conviction and God-given talent to distill down concepts as big as Saving Faith into our ongoing teaching and ministry life. 

Tim and Jenny Hare were our guest speakers and discussed their ministries of Vacation Bible School (VBS) and the grounds management. Ladies were first as Jenny ran us through a recap of last years VBS and her first year running the ministry.

This is an important ministry not only to the children of OBC but also as an outreach as many kids from all over attend.

Plans are already coming together for 2019 VBS with timing bumped-up a week to June 10-14. Please consider serving in this ministry.

Tim discussed his leadership of the grounds ministry, which not only keeps things looking great around the church but also keeps things safe as he handles all snow removal. As we head into the winter season, please consider serving in this way if you are able.

After thanking Tim and Jenny, we closed in prayer again thanking the Lord for his provision in fiscal year 2018 and asking for wisdom and endurance as we commence a new fiscal year of service.