Deacons Report
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on September 27th. John Widhalm opened the meeting with prayer, thanking the Lord for the ministry and the opportunity to serve the body of believers.
Pastor Pat Abendroth was both our guest and our leader for the evening. Before we started the items on the agenda we had a great theological conversation about Grace upon Grace that was very encouraging. Pastor Pat then gave an update on finances, and it was a great time to praise God for the provision of the body and the sound management of the budget for the past fiscal year.
We reviewed the new roles with some of the ministry leaders and will continue to pray for those folks as they begin to tackle new ministries. Status reports were given on the upcoming roof replacement as well as the all-church workday and individual service opportunities. Pat then led us through the London Baptist Confession regarding Chapter 30 about the Lord’s Supper, a fitting dialogue for the ministry of which the Deacons are thankful to serve in specifically.
Given Pastor Pat was our guest speaker; we got an update on his concluding weeks finalizing his dissertation for his doctorate. We’re really thankful for his work and diligence in completing the project as that work will be not only helpful to all of us at OBC, but to the greater body of believers as Pat will inevitably be asked to speak on it in multiple settings.
As the sermon series on John is under way, we were encouraged to continue to pray for the future of Omaha Bible Church, that we would keep the gospel central to all things.
Some Deacon’s terms are coming to an end, and they were asked to pray about the continuation of those terms, all of which were later approved at the Elder's meeting. We closed in prayer thanking God for the wonderful opportunity it is to serve Christ in the specific ministry of deacon leadership.