Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Waiting on the Lord: The Source of the Believer’s Strength

After describing the greatness of God, Isaiah concludes chapter 40 with words of exhortation for those who wait on the Lord. He explains that waiting on the Lord is the source of strength for believers.

The point made here is that God, who made all things and controls all things, will nourish and renew those who trust in Him.

Before moving to the mission field, we waited for a time that seemed endless. Even though we desired to move to the mission field immediately, God’s plan for us was to wait for about three years before landing in South Africa.

After waiting for such a long time, it seemed like we had exhausted the waiting of our lifetime. We never thought a time of waiting would come again so soon.

We arrived in the States last year hoping to be here for three months and then return to the mission field, only to find ourselves waiting again for about a year and a half. You can imagine how discouraged and disappointed we have been, waiting to return to the people and ministry we have grown to cherish.

Through the prayers of many saints, the Lord has taught us invaluable lessons that have kept us moving forward while in this season of waiting. This process has showed us that waiting is inextricably part of our life. 

The most crucial thing is how one waits. God’s Word has helped us not to be frustrated with the failure of our plans but to wait and trust in God’s will.

He knows what is best for us and as He “has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance,” He has our future path laid out. If we wait on Him, He will direct us.

It has been difficult to wait, but the Lord has strengthened us. We are glad we waited on his timing and as we think of returning to the mission field, we go back, not regretting our time here but thanking God for it.