Who Is Jesus: Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings
The Home Groups at Omaha Bible Church have been going through the Gospel according to John the past couple of years, and every week, we are left more impressed with the person and work of Jesus.
John has been a favorite gospel account to many over the years, and J.V. Fesko says that it is one of his as well. This led him to study it and eventually compile this short book on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus.
Fesko introduces the book by talking about how we should read and understand the “I Am” sayings of Jesus. Many people, he states, “do not realize that they actually gaze on things that have roots that stretch back to the Old Testament and, as such, have great significance.”
Throughout the book, Fesko uses the imagery of Jesus being cloaked in a coat of many colors. These “many colors” are the many times we see the Old Testament looking forward to the coming Messiah. Jesus came as the long-awaited Savior, and we see that clearly in His “I Am” sayings.
The book then spends one chapter going over each of the following seven “I Am” sayings of Jesus. Jesus is the Great I AM, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Door and the Good Shepherd, The Resurrection and the Life, The Way, the Truth, the Life, and the True Vine.
In each of these chapters, Fesko helps us see how Jesus was showing the people that He was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. He was the Savior they were waiting for and the Savior that we are so much in need of ourselves.
As an example, in the chapter on Jesus saying “I am the Good Shepherd,” Fesko helps us see that we should understand this “I Am” statement in light of Ezekiel 34. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day are responsible for leading the people of God much like a shepherd leads his sheep. Instead, the religious leaders fail like the leaders in Ezekiel 34.
They are like bad shepherds who do not care for the sheep, but lead them astray. Jesus comes as the true and good shepherd, who would ultimately lay down His life for the sheep. Fesko unpacks this in much greater detail in the chapter.
This book is a great resource for personal study, or for study with others. Each chapter is concluded with a few discussion questions to help you think more about what you have read. I would encourage you to read it and be impressed with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the great I AM.
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