Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on the evening of Tuesday, March 15 for our monthly meeting. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer, asking for wisdom as we prepared to consider several items on the agenda.

Chris Peterson led the elders in a reading of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. As we read through chapter 29 on Baptism, Chris highlighted where the confession states that baptism is a sign, given to us and ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ to highlight our fellowship and union with him.

Following our brief discussion on baptism, Dave Guthrie then shared the February financial update. Giving for the month of February was $70,747 with expenses of $50,537.

We are at the halfway point in our fiscal year and we are thankful to be in such a good financial position. Giving for the year is $465,894 against a budget of $444,844 and our expenses remain low at $357,004 against a budget of $394,078.

The Lord continues to graciously provide for the financial needs of gospel ministry at OBC. We are grateful for your generous and sacrificial giving.

The church continues to grow with new members. Pastor Pat recently taught a new members class and we have had a few turn in membership applications already, with more on the way. The elders were pleased to approve Melanie Davis and Blake Busch for membership.

The elders then spent time discussing various ministry opportunities and leadership items, concluding the meeting with a discussion on the premarital counseling curriculum we utilize at OBC.

As the spring and summer months are quickly approaching, we look forward to the ministry opportunities before us as a church. Particularly of note is the return of Vacation Bible School which will be June 13-17 at 6:00 p.m.

There will be many opportunities to volunteer and serve in this wonderful ministry to the children at OBC. Please be on the lookout for those signups.

The elders are scheduled to meet again on Tuesday, April 19 at 7:00 p.m.