Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, May 17. Pastor Pat opened the evening with prayer, thanking the Lord for the work he has done and continues to do in lives through the ministries of OBC.
Pat then went on to read chapter 31 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689, which addresses man’s state after death and resurrection.
Afterwards, Dave Guthrie and Mike Holloway shared the April financial updates. Giving for the month of April was $67,677 with expenses of $56,454.
Our year to date giving is $634,388 against a budget of $609,482, where our expenses are $475,098 against a budget of $513,599.
Our net income for the month of April was $6,399 and year to date is $120,699.
The Lord continues to provide for the financial needs of this local body. We are beyond grateful for your generous giving.
Chris Peterson then led the elders in a discussion over the new and updated premarital counseling materials for OBC couples. We are excited to be using a new book, Intimate Marriage by RC Sproul, as well as the additional materials Chris has provided. May we strive to glorify Christ in marriage.
The meeting finished with some ministry updates, including an update on Vacation Bible School. VBS is scheduled for June 13-17 and will be held in the evening this year. Please be in prayer for this week of ministry to children.
Dave Guthrie then closed the meeting with prayer.
The elders are scheduled to meet again on June 21, 2022.
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