Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 9. Pastor Pat opened the meeting in prayer, giving thanks for the gospel ministry the Lord allows us to be a part of at OBC.

Following prayer, Mike Grimes led the Elders in a review of Chapter 21 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. The chapter is on Christian liberty and liberty of conscience and reminds us that, “The liberty which Christ has purchased for believers under the gospel, consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the severity and curse of the law, and in their being delivered from this present evil world.”

While the financials for the month of September were not available, we did review giving and attendance for the month. We are continually grateful for the ways the Lord provides for the ministry at OBC.

Thank you for your generous giving and continued partnership in furthering the gospel.

In regard to membership, the elders approved Josh and Skye Brandenburg for membership at OBC. We were encouraged to hear that the current Getting Started class is full and will be wrapping up soon.

For any who would like to become members at Omaha Bible Church, make sure to watch for more information on the start of the next Getting Started class.

We concluded our meeting by Skyping with Vineet Sasane, OBC missionary in Pune, India. He shared updates on the ministry and the desire they have to train future leaders in the church.

They are grateful for those the Lord has brought to the church in recent months. Vineet also shared that they have had several opportunities to do some outreach ministry at a local school for deaf children. This is an exciting opportunity for the church as they are able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with around 100 children each time.

Please join us in continuing to pray for Vineet and Sayia and the ministry in Pune, India.